Chord Product Team
Performance Developers Performance Analytics Feature Announcements

Announcing Support for Shopify Checkout Extensibility via the Chord Web Pixel!

AUTHOR: Chord Product Team

The Chord team has recently launched a web pixel which supports event instrumentation on Shopify checkouts with Checkout Extensibility!

Chord's tracking can be easily installed on Shopify stores using a custom web pixel. With this update, it will be even easier for brands that use Shopify themes to set up and collect tracking events.

Chord's web pixel includes:

  • Pre-checkout tracking from the Shopify theme storefront (e.g., "Product Viewed" track events, page views)

  • Checkout tracking from Shopify checkout (e.g., "Payment Info Entered" track events, page views)

For additional details about the Chord web pixel, check out our documentation!

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