Chord Product team
Autonomy (Chord OMS) Analytics Performance Analytics Feature Announcements

April 2024 Release Highlights

AUTHOR: Chord Product team

Summer is fast approaching and we have plenty of product updates to share! Notable feature updates from April 2024 can be found below.

  • Chord Data Platform Updates

    • Autonomy Multi-tenant improvements:

      • Additional transactional fields surfaced for orders in Looker:

        • Payment method

      • Additional marketing attribution mappings added to identify attribution channels.

    • Performance Multi-tenant improvements:

      • Additional transactional fields surfaced in Looker:

        • Additional line items pricing details - total price and SKU price.

        • Line item product type added to line items and rolled up to order basket.

      • Added functionality in conversions to look at metrics for orders created in addition to orders completed per day.

      • Additional marketing attribution mappings added to identify attribution channels.

    • Data Source Integration improvements:

      • Modeled data sources connected through the data sources integration are now labeled!

      • Additionally, end users will now be able to submit requests for data source connectors that are not yet available through the data source integration page.

  • Chord OMS

    • Orders

      • Added the ability for operators to filter orders by shipment state (ex. Backorder status).

      • We made updates so that admin orders can advance to delivery state by allowing shipping methods to be visible for orders that were created by store administrators.

    • Promotions

      • Added a new promotion rule that allows operators to set a specific length for a promotion that can be used for subscriptions. For example, operators can set specific subscription promotions to only apply for the length of the specific subscription duration.

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