Chord Product team
Feature Announcements

February 2023 release highlights

AUTHOR: Chord Product team

Here are the notable feature & data improvements, documentation updates, and bug fixes from February 2023.

Feature improvements:

  • Messages at checkout

    • Allow tenants to customize text attributes within Stripe checkout.

      • Tenants will now be able to add messages at shipping address collection and at order submission for store customers.

  • Order imports

    • Made updates to our importer service to allow for faster order import jobs.

Data (Looker) updates:

  • Autonomy Multi-tenant improvements:

    • Promotion name

Developer documentation updates:

  • Made Swagger API updates to our Orders documentation.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the actionable date was not generating for paused and resumed subscription orders.

  • Fixed a bug where batch orders with certain attributes were not receiving the correct shipment status.

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