Chord Product team
Feature Announcements

July 2024 Release Highlights

AUTHOR: Chord Product team

Notable Chord commerce data platform updates, Chord OMS feature updates and fixes, and technical documentation updates from July 2024 can be found below.

  • Chord Commerce Data Platform Updates

    • Data Activations Feature Update

      • We now allow Chord brands utilizing our Data Activations feature to update their data sync schedules through the commerce data platform! More information can be found here in our documentation.

    • Performance Multi-tenant improvements

      • Additional Configurations data support released for select onboarded brands. These mappings can be customized on the data platform - if enabled - and will be available in the Analytics explores. The following configurations are included in a recent release for Chord Performance and data-only customers:

        • Attribution Channel Mapping - This configuration maps user-defined Channels and Sub Channels to page utm and referrer details (source, medium, GCLID, etc).

      • Previous session details added to enable users to understand activity over time. This includes the start and end timestamps of the previous session and the days between the end of the last session and the start of the next/current session.

    • Autonomy Multi-tenant improvements

      • Additional Configurations data support released for select onboarded brands. These mappings can be customized on the data platform - if enabled - and will be available in the Analytics explores. The following configurations are included in a recent release for Chord Autonomy customers:

        • Attribution Channel Mapping - This configuration maps user-defined Channels and Sub Channels to page utm and referrer details (source, medium, GCLID, etc).

      • Previous session details added to enable users to understand activity over time. This includes the start and end timestamps of the previous session and the days between the end of the last session and the start of the next/current session.

  • Chord OMS Updates

    • Gift Cards

      • Inputting and claiming gift card redemption emails are now case insensitive via the Chord OMS. 

    • Gift Subscriptions

      • Added visual updates on Chord OMS orders to highlight whether or not an order is a gift subscription. This allows for operators to better identify which Chord orders are gift subscriptions.  

      • Added a value to the order completed CDP event to indicate whether or not the order purchase is a gift.

      • Created a new promotion rule that operators can set up in the Chord OMS if an order contains a gift.

    • Shipping

      • Added a stored variable that can prevent Stripe from asking or requiring a billing or shipping address at checkout.

    • Stock

      • When inventory units are allocated for shipment, Chord OMS will take inventory from the default stock location first and then look at other stock locations if there is no stock in the default location.

  • Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue with orders that could not be completed if they were paid with prepaid store credits only.

    • Fixed an issue with tax calculation if all line items are non-taxable and when shipping is taxable.

    • Fixed an issue for Stripe payment methods that were not tied to a customer profile.

  • Technical Documentation updates

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