Chord Product Team
Feature Announcements

May 2023 Release Highlights

AUTHOR: Chord Product Team

Here are the notable feature & data improvements and bug fixes from May 2023.

Feature improvements:

  • OMS

    • Prevent OMS from erroring out when operators are viewing an RMA for a bundle with no parts assigned to the bundle.

  • Payments

    • Added support for stores accepting payments through Adyen.

    • Added missing Stripe attributes for manual and subscription orders.

  • Pre-paid Subscriptions

    • Pre-paid subscriptions will not be created immediately if the subscription start date is in the future. The pre-paid subscriptions will be created closer to the subscription start date.

    • Updated the email subscription cancelled event name to email subscription complete when the pre-paid subscription concludes.

  • Shipments & Fulfillment Integrations

    • Combined order and shipment numbers as a value in the shipment payload to enable shipment and order number reconciliation processes for fulfillment integration partners.

    • Added warehouse_SKU and hold_until values on API payload.

    • Updated the error message to be more descriptive for orders that do not have shipping methods available for the shipping address of the order.

Data (Looker) updates:

  • Autonomy Multi-tenant improvements

    • Infrastructure Improvements:

      • Definitions released in Looker for Autonomy. There are now ~90% of fields that have definitions.

      • Updated the groupings in the explore navigation to be more clear.

      • Created added new metrics to include more average and total fields in the measures and increased parity across explores.

      • Timestamps are clearly defined as Universal when they are in UTC.

    • Return, Replacement, Refund updates:

      • Updated the field and definition of adjustment_return to be adjustment_refund - items can be returned via return merchandise authorization (RMA) and not refunded and they can be refunded but not returned. Expanded the flags to include contains_refund, contains_replacement, and contains_return to clearly identify these orders and line items.

    • Subscription Event Items:

      • Provide product and variant basket information for each subscription event. With this, it is possible to see what items were subscribed at the time of the subscription created, skip/pause, cancel, etc.

  • Performance Multi-tenant improvements

    • Continued Infrastructure improvements: Updated data types related to our recent LookML improvements.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug when a returning customer inputs an e-mail with different capitalization when checking out in Stripe.

  • Fixed a bug where CDP e-mail events did not have certain subscription details.

  • Fixed a bug to load part line items with deleted variant information.

  • Fixed a bug where we were sending webhooks when orders were being imported into our system.

  • Fixed a bug when viewing an incomplete order generated by a subscription.

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