Chord Product team
Performance Analytics Feature Announcements

May 2024 Release Highlights

AUTHOR: Chord Product team

Summer is fast approaching and we have plenty of product updates to share! Notable feature updates from May 2024 can be found below.

  • Chord Data Platform Updates

    • Performance Multi-tenant improvements:

      • New fields added to understand item retention. These new additions allow you to more easily group users and orders by purchase history - ie. grouping customers who had x product in their first order or identifying trends in items that are purchased more than once.

        • At the line item level flags have been added to identify the first, last, and repeat purchases of individual products.

        • At the order level these flags identify whole basket purchases.

      • Our Advertising Spend models have been updated to utilize all available advertising sources. Advertising Explores are now available for Performance customers.

  • Chord OMS Updates

    • Payments

      • Re-enabled Apple Pay for checkout.

      • Amazon Pay is now a payment option in Stripe checkout.

    • Shipping

      • Chord OMS now allows for additional shipping methods other than standard shipping method to be eligible for free shipping.

    • Subscriptions

      • Added more data to prepaid subscription API details.

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