Chord Product Team
Autonomy (Chord OMS) Analytics Autonomy (Chord OMS) Developers Performance Analytics Feature Announcements

August 2024 Release Highlights

AUTHOR: Chord Product Team

Notable Chord commerce data platform updates, Chord OMS feature updates and fixes, and technical documentation updates from August 2024 can be found below.

  • New Feature Announcement - Did you miss the Model Amplifications release? Chord now provides a way for brands to customize modeled data through the core data platform. Read all about it here!

  • Chord Data Platform Updates

    • Autonomy Multi-tenant improvements:

      • New fields added to understand item retention. These new additions allow you to more easily group users and orders by purchase history - ie. grouping customers who had x product in their first order or identifying trends in items that are purchased more than once.

        • At the line item level flags have been added to identify the first, last, and repeat purchases of individual products.

      • Line item fulfillment properties have been surfaced in Looker. These properties include fulfillment status, fulfillment number, delivery_status, and fulfillment at timestamp. This data can inform on orders that have line items fulfilled at different times.

      • Bot traffic has been removed from Segment page views to reduce noise in user behavior analysis.

      • Shared Folders have been released for each tenant group - this folder is accessible to all users within the tenant group.

      • Enhanced gift subscription details added included redemption method and notification dates.

    • Performance Multi-tenant improvements:

      • User order metrics enhanced to included aggregations for orders created regardless of completion status - counts of created orders, flags for first created order and first subscription created orders, promo usage on first created order, etc. These additions allow users to understand customer behavior when they may not complete every order they start (whether through cart abandonment or cancelation.

      • Bot traffic has been removed from Segment page views to reduce noise in user behavior analysis.

  • Chord OMS Updates

    • Subscription types can now be deleted via Chord OMS. Previously, customers were not able to delete a subscription type that was created in error.

    • Updated the Chord OMS UI to show one-time (a la carte) items added to a recurring subscription order.

    • Added extra metadata to the shipment shipped serializer (CDP event). This change now adds all relevant metadata to this event.

    • Added the subscription actionable date to subscription CDP events.

    • Added a new backend event for subscription skipped.

    • We now allow better synchronization with CMS platforms even if a subscription type variant is not present in the product catalog. Previously, if there were missing assortments linked to a subscription type, the product sync with the CMS would fail.

  • Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an error related to the discount price API returning an error when calculating a discount.

  • Technical Documentation updates

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